Monday Night Brawl With Like Moths To Flames and Sworn In

March 21, 2017  •  Leave a Comment
With a pretty disappointing turn out, this Monday night beatdown show ended up being everything but disappointing. When the doors opened, only a handful of cars sat in the parking lot. The relatively new venue, Arizona Pete's, has seen a lot of growth in the music scene with night after night of shows and awesome bands. Sandwiched between two other heavy-hitting shows, Like Moths To Flames drew the short straw with a Monday night show and made the most of it. The opening local band arrived very late and played a quick two-song set, but I think they did a very good job to wake everyone up. As the tour package started with Backwordz, more people started trickling in, and by the start of Cover Your Tracks' set the crowd had tripled. With a pretty quiet start, My Enemies & I got the crowd singing along and jumping around. The vocalist was entrancing with his contacts to create a very creepy look about him. With a little more life, things really got going with Sworn In. On the same day as their signing to Fearless Records, Sworn In created a real fun and chaotic environment within the practically empty venue.
I couldn't even tell you the last time I went to a show where you could hear feet stomping in the moshpit. Oh, what a sweet sound it is.
Like Moths To Flames started their set off with one of their hate "ballads," GNF. The no f**** given song, was a great way to jump start their set and really get everyone back into that chaotic energy.
It's always hard to see the expression on a musicians face when he/she looks out to an small crowd. Vocalist, Chris Roetter, made a couple jokes at the beginning of their set by 'wooing' into the microphone after announcing the next song. By the halfway point of their set his jokes turned into smiles as he realized that the entirety of the small turnout was screaming and singing along to every single word he has written. They ended their set and a chant for one more song started. Without hesitation LMTF stayed on stage and played one last song, on one condition of course. "No one stands still. I don't care what you do, just do something." Like Moths To Flames:
Sworn In:


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