One-by-one it seems as though more bands are seeing the potential of going independent and crowd-funding their albums. If the fanbase is there, this can be a very successful tactic in moving forward in a seemingly stalled music career. No matter how you feel about it, whether you’ve felt cheated by bands that took the money and ran after providing a lackluster album or felt like you helped fund/create an absolute masterpiece; this is the new way of independent music. While She Sleeps(WSS) just so happens to be one of the more recent bands to take the leap into an independent career.
"After 10 years of dealing with the ups and downs of the music industry we have decided to continue our journey independently and self release our third full length album," the band said on their PledgeMusic page. "All money raised goes directly towards funding the the new album, artwork, music videos, touring and everything that keeps our band alive."
As a fan of this brand of music, littered with bands trying to take their music to a more mainstream audience, I have a mixed view on the whole crowd-funding thing. So, how did WSS stand out and make a statement to their fans that they have no intentions on letting them down? They released You Are We.
Although, I have to be honest; after releasing their debut This Is The Six and the incredible album Brainwashed, should anything less be expected from the English metal outfit?
In my opinion, one of the most defining things about an album is the opening tracks. You can have bangers and filthy riffs scattered throughout the album, but that first track has to pull the listener in. The calming picking of an acoustic guitar is quickly interrupted by vocalist Loz Taylor, with an introduction an introduction to the entire album. “You Are We,” Taylor screams, to open the album. And, those filthy riffs I had mentioned; yeah, there’s plenty. Something else that stands out in the first track is, guitarist, Mat Welsh’s clean vocals; inviting deafening sing-a-longs and really showing of the versatility and talent of the band. And although taking on clean vocals can really turn away listeners, it never once feels out of place. If you weren’t hooked after the opening title track, as the album goes on, it becomes more and more evident how album-of-the-year worthy You Are We really is. The production is impeccable, and really proves what can be done with the best intentions behind crowd-funding and a true desire to create music you love. While “Steal The Sun,” “Feel,” and “Empire of Silence” really show their melodic diversity; “Wide Awake” really awakens punk roots after a short lived acoustic ballad.
One of the tracks that stands out the most gets a little assistance from fellow Englishman, Oli Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon. “Silence Speaks” is an anthem that could propel WSS into arena sell-out status, like Sempiternal and That’s The Spirit has carried Sykes and his band. And if anyone felt deceived at all, with this album, a little taste of the heavy hitting “Civil Isolation” should clear any doubt in their mind that While She Sleeps is as heavy as ever. Overall, You Are We, stands as a major accomplishment for the 10-year-old band and only their third full-length album. The potential this album shows has WSS in line with current heavyweights, like Bring Me The Horizon and Parkway Drive, while staying far enough away from the radio rock sound; holding true to their fans. To see just how hard WSS worked on this album, and how much they appreciate their fans, take a look at their video for “Hurricane.” And, when you are done there; go ahead and wander over to your preferred music establishment to buy this album.